ADHD, which stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a very common neurodevelopment disorder. It affects somewhere between 5 and 10% of the population. It is a result of deficits in certain neurotransmitters in certain areas of the brain, and as such, medication can be a useful treatment for this disorder.

In addition, and sometimes instead of, psychological strategies can aid in the functioning of the individual with ADHD. They can add value to a persons life by helping them improve their reliability, time management, organisation, procrastination, capacity to concentrate and limit distractions. Some strategies act like a safety net and will fill an area of deficit, so the individual can use their energies to reach their capacities in other ways.

ADHD brains are a lot of fun! They are usually very creative, clever and ingenious. This is an area of mental health that is extremely interesting and rewarding to work with, and this is why I do it!

Having worked with ADHD for some time now it is clear that there are often mental health side effects with this type of brain. The common one is Anxiety. People with ADHD often struggle with generalised anxiety, panic attacks, social anxiety and low self esteem. They are prone to depression, especially when their organisational skills do not match the needs of their life and they become overwhelmed.

ADHD also puts people at risk of binge eating, substance misuse and other impulsive and/or addictive behaviours. This is not an area of expertise of Madeline’s, but if this is something you wish to remedy, she can point you in a wise direction.

Why I choose to work with ADHD



